At Vasper, we love our troops. We even offer a 50% membership discount to both active duty military and veterans at our headquarters. We’re also actively engaged in a research study to see how Vasper can help elevate veteran health and wellness. Spoiler alert: good things happen when veterans use Vasper. Whether you’re a Navy SEAL looking to get an edge or a Vietnam veteran with combat injuries, we’re here to help with your performance and rehabilitation needs. Don’t just take our word for it though, see what your fellow military brothers and sisters have to say about us in the testimonials section below.



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Military Research

Vasper has dedicated significant resources to research military and veteran wellness and how our technology can address specific needs of this important population.

Veteran Wellness Day at Vasper Headquarters

FOX21 News Feature: Vasper’s impact on veteran health and wellness.


Hank Lutz

Chris Klaftenegger

Rico Soares

"Vasper has changed my life, not only physically with my arthritis, overall back, neck pain, and migraines/headaches, but rehabilitated my entire being. Truly Remarkable! The most appreciated benefits I have achieved through Vasper sessions are reduced pain, muscle strength, faster recovery time, and a LOT more energy that I have not felt since my 20’s! Lastly, I truly appreciate the ability to fall asleep faster and have a deeper sleep cycle. Thanks to Vasper for making me an overall happier person who is more productive and positive and less stressed."

CDR Roxanne Toy

"My experience with Vasper has been incredible. I am sleeping soundly and am dreaming again, something that had not happened since my first deployment in this war. In the five weeks or so that I have been doing this I have lost about 15 pounds and my physique is definitely changing for the better. As a Green Beret, I am no stranger to tough workouts but at 45 years of age I just couldn’t recover quickly from my workouts and I would soon feel worn out and sluggish. The cooling, compression, and recovery are incredible and I recover from these workouts like a 25 year old again. In short, I sleep well, my mood is better, my physique is noticeably different, and I recover quickly from the workouts. What do you have to do to get this to all of my brothers and sisters in the military, especially those of us who have deployed and suffered the effects of PTSD?"

LTC Paul Finfrock

"My first experience with Vasper was an eye opener. Within two minutes on the machine, I experienced a lactic acid burn that would normally require 20 minutes or more of high intensity exercise to achieve. The combined effects of the pressure cuffs and focused cooling while exercising stimulated me physiologically and mentally in ways that I had not experienced in months. When I left Vasper that day, I felt renewed, energized and wanting to return for more. The quality of my sleep has been excellent. My ability to manage stress and maintain peak level of productivity has been unsurpassed. Needless to say, I am a firm believer in Vasper as an integral part of a balanced workout regimen."

Lt Col Steve Butow 129OG/CD

"Upon leaving Vasper after the exercise, I was overwhelmed with a positive feeling and rush of endorphins. I slept well and without sleep aids, which is something that I have not done in years. During the evening after the exercise, I felt a sense of health and clarity and found myself amazed at the lack of fatigue or muscle soreness resulting from the Vasper session."

Peter Rojas

"I started the Vasper training program just a month ago. The results have been remarkable. In ten one half hour sessions I’m feeling more energy in my daily life and more endurance. The workout is invigorating, very different than traditional gym regimens. And I sleep soundly through the night. In regard to my Parkinson's condition, I feel that the Vasper training system is fortifying my strength to cope with the symptoms of the disease. I am really looking forward to the next six to twelve months of Vasper assisted progress. I feel like I’ve been given a gift."

Lt Col Brian Foss 128ARRS